New Manufacturing Facility – Hygienic Flooring and all coatings for production plants.
NZSC was awarded the subcontract with Cassidy Construction to install the flooring at Alpha Health Care. Alpha Health Care creates natural health and skin care products from edible/medicinal fungi.
The client required a heavy-duty, protective hygienic floor finish for their new manufacturing facility. 194 square meters of Sikafloor 91 screed at 6.0mm with a natural finish was the specified system for the majority of this project. Sikafloor 91 is solvent-free, has no fire risk, excellent adhesion to the substrate and excellent abrasion resistance, and has a non-slip finish.
NZSC also applied Sikafloor 264 Self Levelling and Curehard 24 clear sealer to various smaller areas in the facility as specified by the client.

Products & Application:
– Sikafloor 91 screed at 6.0mm
– Sikafloor 264 Self Levelling
– Sika Curhard 24